Enumeration PageStatsNames

Page stats metric names.

Enumeration Members

cpu: "cpu"

The browser processes CPU usage (per page).

errors: "errors"

The page errors count.

httpRecvBitrate: "httpRecvBitrate"

The page HTTP receive bitrate.

httpRecvBytes: "httpRecvBytes"

The page total HTTP received bytes.

httpRecvLatency: "httpRecvLatency"

The page HTTP receive latency.

memory: "memory"

The browser processes memory usage (per page).

nodeCpu: "nodeCpu"

The tool nodejs CPU usage.

nodeMemory: "nodeMemory"

The tool nodejs memory usage.

pageCpu: "pageCpu"

The page CPU usage calculated as the sum of Layout, RecalcStyle, Script and Task durations.

pageMemory: "pageMemory"

The page memory usage (JSHeapUsedSize).

pages: "pages"

The opened pages count.

peerConnections: "peerConnections"

The total opened PeerConnections.

throttleDownDelay: "throttleDownDelay"

The throttle download delay.

throttleDownLoss: "throttleDownLoss"

The throttle download packet loss.

throttleDownQueue: "throttleDownQueue"

The throttle download packet queue.

throttleDownRate: "throttleDownRate"

The throttle download rate limitation.

throttleUpDelay: "throttleUpDelay"

The throttle upload delay.

throttleUpLoss: "throttleUpLoss"

The throttle upload packet loss.

throttleUpQueue: "throttleUpQueue"

The throttle upload packet queue.

throttleUpRate: "throttleUpRate"

The throttle upload rate limitation.

usedCpu: "usedCpu"

The system total CPU usage.

usedGpu: "usedGpu"

The system total GPU usage.

usedMemory: "usedMemory"

The system total memory usage.

videoEndToEndDelay: "videoEndToEndDelay"

The video end to end total delay.

videoEndToEndNetworkDelay: "videoEndToEndNetworkDelay"

The video end to end network delay. It does't include the video encode/decode time and the jitter buffer time.

warnings: "warnings"

The page warnings count.