

WebRTC Perf

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Build Docker image

WebRTC performance and quality evaluation tool. It allows to validate the audio/video quality and the client CPU/memory usage when multiple connections join the same WebRTC service.

Main features:

  • A NodeJS application/library using Puppeteer for controlling chromium instances.
  • It can be executed:
    • using the pre built Docker image; this is the suggested way to run the tool without installing any dependency;
    • from sources (using git pull or npm install);
    • using the pre built executables generated for each platform.
  • It allows to inject custom Javascript source files that will run into the browser page context for automating some tasks (e.g. pressing a button to join a conference room).
  • It allows to throttle the networking configuration, limiting the ingress/egress available bandwidth, the RTT or the packet loss %.
  • It uses a patched version of chromium (see ./chromium directory) that allows to disable the video decoding, lowering the CPU requirements when running multiple browser sessions.
  • It contains an RTC stats logging module that allows to collect metrics and send them to a Prometheus Pushgateway server for live visualization with Grafana.
  • It allows to override getUserMedia and getDisplayMedia calls.
  • It allows to define alert rules and generate reports.

The tool can be executed from sources, using the pre built executables or using the Docker image.

Using Npm:

echo '@vpalmisano:registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com' >> ~/.npmrc

npm install -g @vpalmisano/webrtcperf

# Install FFMpeg:
sudo apt install ffmpeg # Linux
# or:
brew install ffmpeg # MacOS

# Run a Jitsi test:
webrtcperf \
--url="https://meet.jit.si/${JITSI_ROOM_URL}#config.prejoinPageEnabled=false" \
--display='' \
# Press <q> to stop.

Using Docker:

docker pull ghcr.io/vpalmisano/webrtcperf
docker run -it --rm \
-v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \
ghcr.io/vpalmisano/webrtcperf \
--url="https://meet.jit.si/$JITSI_ROOM_URL#config.prejoinPageEnabled=false" \
--show-page-log=false \
--sessions=1 \

Stop the tool pressing q (normal browser close) or x (it will close the process immediately).

See the config documentation.

Example output:

-- Mon, 06 Feb 2023 20:46:34 GMT -------------------------------------------------------------------
name count sum mean stddev 5p 95p min max
System CPU 1 15.89 0.00 15.89 15.89 15.89 15.89 %
System GPU 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 %
System Memory 1 72.18 0.00 72.18 72.18 72.18 72.18 %
CPU/page 1 84.42 84.42 0.00 84.42 84.42 84.42 84.42 %
Memory/page 1 1206.90 1206.90 0.00 1206.90 1206.90 1206.90 1206.90 MB
Pages 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
Errors 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Warnings 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Peer Connections 1 2 2 0 2 2 2 2
-- Inbound audio -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rate 2 28.73 14.36 14.36 0.00 28.73 0.00 28.73 Kbps
lost 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 %
jitter 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 s
avgJitterBufferDelay 1 35.29 0.00 35.29 35.29 35.29 35.29 ms
-- Inbound video -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
received 2 2.66 1.33 1.32 0.01 2.64 0.01 2.64 MB
rate 2 967.41 483.71 483.71 0.00 967.41 0.00 967.41 Kbps
lost 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 %
jitter 2 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 s
avgJitterBufferDelay 1 50.48 0.00 50.48 50.48 50.48 50.48 ms
width 2 960 320 640 1280 640 1280 px
height 2 540 180 360 720 360 720 px
fps 1 15 0 15 15 15 15 fps
-- Outbound audio ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rate 2 42.84 21.42 21.42 0.00 42.84 0.00 42.84 Kbps
lost 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 %
roundTripTime 1 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 s
-- Outbound video ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sent 2 3.25 1.62 1.58 0.04 3.21 0.04 3.21 MB
rate 2 1131.25 565.63 565.63 0.00 1131.25 0.00 1131.25 Kbps
lost 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 %
roundTripTime 1 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 s
qualityLimitResolutionChanges 2 2 1 1 0 2 0 2
qualityLimitationCpu 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %
qualityLimitationBandwidth 2 20 10 10 0 20 0 20 %
sentActiveEncodings 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 encodings
sentMaxBitrate 2 3700.00 1850.00 350.00 1500.00 2200.00 1500.00 2200.00 Kbps
width 2 640 640 0 1280 0 1280 px
height 2 360 360 0 720 0 720 px
fps 2 12 12 0 25 0 25 fps
pliCountReceived 2 1 0 1 2 1 2

Statistics values:

Name Count Description
cpu Total sessions The browser process cpu usage.
memory Total sessions The browser process memory usage.
tabs Total sessions The browser current opened tabs.
received Total inbound streams The bytesReceived value for each stream.
sent Total outbound streams The bytesSent value for each stream.
retransmitted Total outbound streams The retransmittedBytesSent value for each stream.
rate Total streams The stream bitrate.
lost Total streams The stream lost packets %.
jitter Total streams The stream jitter in seconds.
avgJitterBufferDelay Total decoded tracks The inbound average jitter buffer delay.
qualityLimitResolutionChanges Total outbound video streams The qualityLimitationResolutionChanges value for each outbound video stream.
width Total sent or received videos The sent or received video width.
height Total sent or received videos The sent or received video height.
fps Total sent The sent video frames per second.

See the prometheus stack.

Starts one send-receive participant:

docker run -it --rm --name=webrtcperf-publisher \
-v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \
ghcr.io/vpalmisano/webrtcperf \
--url-query='roomId=test&displayName=Publisher($s-$t)' \
--sessions=1 \

Starts 10 receive-only participants:

docker run -it --rm --name=webrtcperf-viewer \
-v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \
ghcr.io/vpalmisano/webrtcperf \
--url-query='roomId=test&displayName=Viewer($s-$t)&produce=false' \
--sessions=1 \

Starts one send-receive participant, with a random audio activation pattern:

docker run -it --rm \
-v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \
-v $PWD/examples:/scripts:ro \
ghcr.io/vpalmisano/webrtcperf \
--url=$EDUMEET_URL \
--url-query='displayName=Publisher($s-$t)' \
--script-path=/scripts/edumeet-sendrecv.js \
--sessions=1 \

Starts 10 receive-only participants:

docker run -it --rm \
-v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \
-v $PWD/examples:/scripts:ro \
ghcr.io/vpalmisano/webrtcperf \
--url=$EDUMEET_URL \
--url-query='displayName=Viewer($s-$t)' \
--script-path=/scripts/edumeet-recv.js \
--sessions=1 \

Starts one send-receive participant:

docker run -it --rm \
-v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \
ghcr.io/vpalmisano/webrtcperf \
--url-query='#config.prejoinPageEnabled=false&userInfo.displayName=Participant($s-$t)' \
--sessions=1 \

Starts 10 receive-only participants:

docker run -it --rm \
-v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \
ghcr.io/vpalmisano/webrtcperf \
--url=$ROOM_URL \
--url-query='#config.prejoinPageEnabled=false&userInfo.displayName=Participant($s-$t)' \
--sessions=1 \

The DEBUG_LEVEL environment variable can be used to enable debug messages; see debug-level for syntax.

git clone https://github.com/vpalmisano/webrtcperf.git

cd webrtcperf

# Optional: build the chromium customized version
# cd chromium
# ./build.sh setup
# ./build.sh apply_patch
# ./build.sh build
# install the package (on Ubuntu/Debian)
# dpkg -i ./chromium-browser-unstable_<version>-1_amd64.deb
# cd ..

yarn build

# sendrecv test
DEBUG_LEVEL=DEBUG:* yarn start \
--url= \
--url-query='displayName=SendRecv($s/$S-$t/$T)' \
--script-path=./examples/edumeet-sendrecv.js \
--sessions=1 \

# recv only
DEBUG_LEVEL=DEBUG:* yarn start \
--url= \
--url-query='displayName=Recv($s/$S-$t/$T)' \
--script-path=./examples/edumeet-recv.js \
--sessions=1 \

Run a test adding the following options:

--script-params="{timestampWatermarkVideo:true,saveSendVideoTrack:'0',saveRecvVideoTrack:'1'}" \
--server-port=5000 \
--server-use-https=true \
--server-data=/data \
--vmaf-path /data

With saveSendVideoTrack and saveRecvVideoTrack you can specify the sessions that will be saved at sender and receiver side (in this example it will save all the video streams sent in the session with index 0 and received in session 1). The sent/received videos will be saved in the /data directory. The tool will generate a .vmaf.json and a .vmaf.png files in the data/vmaf directory. Adding the --vmaf-preview option, a .mp4 file containing the side-by-side video comparison will be generated.

Run a test adding the following options:

--script-params="{saveSendAudioTrack:'0',saveRecvAudioTrack:'1'}" \
--server-port=5000 \
--server-use-https=true \
--server-data=/data \
--visqol-path /data

With saveSendAudioTrack and saveRecvAudioTrack you can specify the sessions that will be saved at sender and receiver side (in this example it will save all the audio streams sent in the session with index 0 and received in session 1). The sent/received audio files will be saved in the /data directory. The tool will generate a visqol.csv file in the data directory.