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A Linux tool that allows to apply network constraints to a single or a group of processes.

echo '@vpalmisano:registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com' >> ~/.npmrc

npm install -g @vpalmisano/throttler

System configuration:

# Allow to run the required comamnds without password:
echo "$(whoami) ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: $(which iptables),$(which addgroup),$(which adduser),$(which tc),$(which modprobe),$(which ip)" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/throttler

# Install wireshark and allow regular user to capture packets:
sudo apt install -y wireshark
sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common
sudo usermod -a -G wireshark $(whoami)
# Logout and login again

Throttle all the traffic of a single process (e.g. firefox):

throttler \
--throttle-config '[{sessions:"0",up:[{delay:20,rate:5000}],down:[{delay:20,rate:5000}]}]' \
--command-config '[{session:0,command:"firefox https://www.speedtest.net"}]'
# press q to stop the throttler

Throttle the udp traffic of a single process (e.g. firefox) and capture the packets:

throttler \
--throttle-config '[{sessions:"0",protocol:"udp",capture:"capture.pcap",up:[{delay:50,loss:1,rate:2000}],down:[{delay:20,loss:1,rate:2000}]}]' \
--command-config '[{session:0,command:"firefox https://meet.jit.si/"}]'